Opiniones sobre la entrega de flores en Filipinas
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Cesta de rosas rojas y gerberas rojas
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Código de Producto: BIRTHDAY-6

Cesta de rosas rojas y gerberas rojas

US $ 93 

To prevent late delivery issues caused as a result of large buildup of deliveries across all the logistic companies in the Philippines, certain orders to remote places (placed before our cut off date and time) may arrive between 11-14-Feb

Por Favor Elige la Hora de Entrega
El producto que estás buscando puede mejorarse agregando uno de estos Productos "Opcionales" adicionales
Cute Heart Balloons Bunch
Cute Heart Balloons Bunch
1 Kg Black Forest Cake
CAK-1 US $ 68
1 Kg Black Forest Cake
1/2 Kg Chocolate Cake
CAK-5 US $ 50
1/2 Kg Chocolate Cake
1 Kg Fresh Chocolate Truffle Cake
CAK-30 US $ 62
1 Kg Fresh Chocolate Truffle Cake
Lovely Box of 24 Pcs Ferrero Rochers
CHOCO-1 US $ 42
Lovely Box of 24 Pcs Ferrero Rochers
Yummy Ferrero Rochers and Vochelle Chocolate
CHOCO-17 US $ 50
Yummy Ferrero Rochers and Vochelle Chocolate
Lovely Box of 16 Pcs Ferrero Rochers
CHOCO-2 US $ 30
Lovely Box of 16 Pcs Ferrero Rochers
A Cute 6 Inch White Teddy
TEDDY-1 US $ 24
A Cute 6 Inch White Teddy
Cuddly 6 Inch Brown Teddy
TEDDY-2 US $ 24
Cuddly 6 Inch Brown Teddy
Lovely 12 Inches Teddy Bear
TEDDY-3 US $ 36
Lovely 12 Inches Teddy Bear
Elegant Helium Balloons Bunch
Elegant Helium Balloons Bunch
Elegant Clear Glass Vase
VASE-1 US $ 13
Elegant Clear Glass Vase
Amazing Helium Balloons
Amazing Helium Balloons
Agregar al Carrito

I would like to thank you guys for delivering flowers to my Grandma. Her eyes were filled with tears of happiness when she received the bouquet. Sitting millions of miles away this was least I could do for her and you guys didn't let me down. You have earned yourself a repeat customer.

Jason Brown

* Se solicita a todos nuestros clientes que tengan en cuenta que el "Tiempo elegido arriba se trata como una preferencia/solicitud y no es un tiempo fijo para la entrega". Solo garantizamos la entrega en una "Fecha Especificada" y no dentro de un "Marco de Tiempo" especificado.

* Para agregar los productos adicionales a tu carrito de compras con el producto mostrado arriba, haz clic en la casilla vacía que se muestra arriba del producto adicional que deseas agregar y presiona el botón "Ordenar Ahora" arriba.

* Please note that "Same Day Delivery" is only available for "Metro Manila Region" and is not available for "Provincial/Other Destinations". Any "Same Day Delivery" order for "Provincial/Other destinations" will be delivered on the "Next Available Delivery Date" provided the order is placed before 2:30 PM (PH Time)